Solution Updates

SalamanderLive v69.1.0 Release

SalamanderLive v69.1.0 releases the foundation for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) functionality, Collections, Alerts, and Events (including: General, Chart, Map, Roster, and the framework for Resource Timer tabs (functionality of the Resource Timer coming in the next release)) within SalamanderLive v3.

SalamanderLive v69.0.0 Release

The SalamanderLive v69.0.0 release focuses on SalamanderLive v3 functionality, including increasing security within Security Roles, providing more fields to capture data within People, Equipment, and Organizations, adding increased visibility within map features, and overall updated the look and feel of the solution to make it easier for users to use. Specifically, SalamanderLive v3, released the foundation of the following: new authentication framework (including Single Sign On (SSO)), Equipment, People, Account, Organizations, Assignments, Admin Functions, and Wizards. Lastly, there were bug fixes completed for SalamanderLive v2.

TRACK APP v3.3.2 Release

This release will include updates to the scanner, added additional code to track device movement using longitude and latitude coordinates, added civilian counts to the event and assignment screens, general enhancements / bug fixes, and more. 

Print Control v5.0.10 Update

This update added additional fields and the ability to install over the previous.

SalamanderLive v68.1.4 Release

This release focuses on 48 tickets, including updates to the Event reports to ensure consistency throughout the column names, updating the Resource Timer, adding an indicator to PLANS to easily see which collections are already within a plan, general enhancements, bug fixes, and more.
