All Our Solutions are TAGTRACKREPORTDriven

The Premiere Cloud Solution

This web-based tool is the core of INTELLIGENT ACCOUNTABILITYTM. From creating interoperable tags to providing optimal situational awareness at events, SalamanderLiveTM is at the center of it all.

Web-Based Resource Management

Manage and store numerous personnel and equipment datapoints including location, contact, qualifications, and more. Easily create / manage organization hierarchy, collections, and assignment lists. Interoperable credentials can also be printed directly from SalamanderLive.

Event Management

Information collected from the field is pushed to SalamanderLive to create a common operating picture for all organizations involved. Increase visibility to event data, including who is on-scene and event costs, all in real-time.

Detailed Reports

Run detailed reports in real-time for all aspects of events, assets, consumables, personnel, patients, collection and more. Reports can be pulled anytime during or after an event.

API Connection

SalamanderLive can connect to your existing platforms through an API to enhance productivity and seamless functionality. All API configurations are custom designed for security purposes as well as to deter interruptions during system upgrades.

Mobile Apps

Salamander’s mobile apps allows users to account for resources while out in the field.


Connect to the mobile apps on any mobile Android or iOS device.

Data Sharing

Information collected from out in the field is sent to SalamanderLive to create a common operating picture.

On-Scene Resource Accountability

While out in the field, use the mobile apps to check into events, scan resources into assignments, and / or assign assets to personnel.

Mapping Capabilities

With GIS enabled, view all TAG APP and TRACK APP users in real-time on a map.

PC Based Solutions

These PC based applications for TAG and TRACK have been deployed and proven on countless events over the years by Salamander customers nationwide.

ID Creation

Quickly create IDs on the fly to account for evacuees, media, additional resources, and more.

Quick Data Entry

Scan drivers licenses to quickly capture basic information on a person to create an ID in seconds.

Common Operating Picture

Information from IDs printed from PC based solutions is sent to SalamanderLive, once scanned, to ensure that everyone has visibility to event data.

Design Capabilities

Customize IDs to each department’s needs, including color options, logo, and more.
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A Brief History Of

We are all familiar with what happened in September of 2001. As you can imagine, that shined a spotlight on the need for what Salamander provides, and it altered the way we operate as a business. Due to the attacks of September 11th, we were all introduced to the National Incident Management System, and the Incident Command System, and these are the foundations on which the Salamander solution is built. Since then, we have built the three pillars of INTELLIGENT ACCOUNTABILITY and now are the leader in our space.
