Accountability is OUR PRIORITY!
Leveraging a common ID badge, Salamander improves school safety and accountability by creating a link between schools and first responders.
When a situation arises, school administrators, teachers, and first responders can easily and accurately account for all people on premise. Accountability information captured by schools is shared with response agencies to create a common operating picture during emergencies, enabling responders to swiftly take command of the situation. Salamander creates clarity in the midst of chaos.
Areas of Emphasis
School Accountability
A simple scan occurs when staffing and / or students enter and exit the school.
Classroom Accountability
A simple scan occurs when students enter and leave classrooms. The scan shows when, where, and by whom.
Document Storage
Keep all records on the school, staffing, and students in one place.
On-Premises Events / Activities
A scan occurs when both staff and students enter school, confirming their status allowing or denying access.
Off-Premises Events / Field Trips & Athletics
Scan ID badges at every touchpoint (from leaving school, to boarding the bus, arriving to destination, to back on the bus, and arriving at school). The scan shows when, where, and by whom.
Asset Management
Know where all your school assets are all the time. Both on-premises and off-premises.
A simple scan occurs when students and staff arrive to the safe zone. The scan shows when, where, and by whom.
Transportation / Bussing Attendance
Scan student's ID badges when they board and leave the bus. The scan shows when, where, and by whom.
During an emergency, account for students and staff by scanning their ID badges. Information is shared with local first responders, who can take immediate action. First responders can also account for students and staff using their own Salamander tracking solutions. The scan shows when, where, and by whom.
Family Reunification
Show where the locations of pickup are and complete the handoff

School Event

Responder Event