SalamanderLive v3
See Some of the Highlights of the New Release!

Slide the arrows above to see the difference (viewable on large screens only)

Single Sign-On
and MFA
Is Now Available!
Security received a major upgrade!
Security Updates
- New Reset Password feature for Administrators
- New Auto-generated temp password process enforced for Administrators
- Brute Force Password Reset on Login process enforced
- New v2 / APP Password Reset process enforced
- New Clear MFA process enforced
- MFA Enforcement setting provisions the following for accounts: Off, Optional, or Required
- MFA Methods now available are SMS or Authenticator App
- Email and Mobile Number validation for all Users now available

Dark Mode is here! Now when working the midnight hours, with one click, SalamanderLive can be viewed in Dark Mode.
New Light Mode Color Scheme
As our branding received an upgrade, SalamanderLive v3 was first in line to also support the refreshing look and feel.
Other Layout Updates
Fully Responsive to all screen sizes
New Profile Page
Optional Language Selector
New Shortcut Links
New Help Shortcut
New Full Screen Mode

Message Board
Now you are able to see all SalamanderLive updates and training opportunities as they arise right when you login within the Dashboard
Other Updates
- Added summary counts to the dashboard for quick viewing
- Added quick links from the summary counts that will transfer the filter from the counts to the specific list pages
- Removed the ability to customize the size of the tiles to ensure users get the best viewing experience
- All tiles can be ordered based on their preference
- Created a new Page specifically to manage Alerts, so the Dashboard now only shows the summary counts

Now store all your files digitally within SalamanderLive.
With SalamanderLive you do not just store files in a generic folder, you store files to the specific resource, being People, Equipment, and / or Organizations.
You can also take file storage to the next level by storing detailed information along with the file to make it so your files work for you.
Finally, SalamanderLive also stores files for Plans and Events. By doing so, all provisioned users accessing Plans and Events are now able to have the most important files available at their fingertips.
Events Modules are ALL UPGRADED and Super Fast!Easy to Use!Awesome!
Event Summary
- See summary counts of all Resources
- See the weather of the event real-time
- See all details associated to the Event
- See all users, devices, and joined Events that have connected to the Event for added security
- 100% Responsive!
- Assignment Drag & Drop and release from structure functionality added
- Click on Summary counts to see the Resource details within the Assignment
- A newly added bottom tool bar that also contains Par Counts (like legacy COMMAND)
- Quick Add People, Equipment, and Collections right from the Assignment
- New edit screen that shows all counts
- Live view and PLAN View
- Interactive Legend
- Map has full screen capability
- Click on Pin to see the Resource Details
- Select one or many from the Legend to show only those specific resources on the map
- Idle function built-in to see if a pin has not moved over 15 min
- Upgraded history breadcrumbs function
- Timers are color coded based on the status of the timer
- Expired timers are shown on the tab itself to show the user that a timer went off no matter where they are in Events
- Audio alert on / off that aligns with the visual alert

PLANS Also Received an Upgrade!
Plans now follows the same flow as EVENTS!

Now a
Confirmation Step
before Deleting
We have added a confirmation step to all pages and in some cases, an additional confirmation, before an item can be deleted. This helps minimize the mistake of deleting by accident.

Filtering & Sorting
The same functionality as before just a little cleaner and faster!
Also, Select Pages Now Have Quick View Status Indicators
On the left of select pages, you will see colored dots that will quickly tell the user something specific about that record.

Huge Upgrade to
ALL MAPS Throughout v3
- All map modals can be toggled on and off
- All can be viewed FULL Screen
- Interactivity by clicking in the list to see the item on the map
- Interactivity by clicking on the Pin in the map to see the details
- Aligned colored Pins to specific Resource Type
- 100% Responsive